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Manaslu Base Camp is a spectacular trek in the Manaslu region. Manaslu base camp trek is getting more popular as it is a new destination for the trek. Manaslu trek follows the Budhi Gandaki River from Arkhet to its source below the Larkya Pass (5106m). it is a natural paradise remote trail valley in Nepal. Though the Manaslu Base camp trek route was officially opened as an adventure trek for tourists in 1992 very less amount of tourist visited as it is one of the restricted trekking routes. Manaslu base camp trek requires special trekking permits to visit the Manaslu region. Manaslu Base Camp is a route to visit three peaks of Manaslu which is known as ‘Japanese Peak’. It is a challenging trek in the Manaslu Region. Manaslu Base camp lies in the western part of Nepal in Mansiri Himal. Mainly the Japanese prefer to climb ‘mountain of the spirit‘ Manaslu mountain. Manaslu Base Camp trek offers natural beauty with protected wildlife and wildflowers, unique native culture and traditions. The local civilization represents the ancient Tibetan lifestyle. The journey explores real Nepalese life and visits MONKS inhabitant combined with the great views of Tibetian highland against stark white Himalayas. You can visit many Buddhist monuments, spot monasteries, mani walls, and prayer wheels in the area. Manaslu Base Camp is a chill environment with peace as it is less crowded.

Suggested daily budget – 50-60 EUR / 52-62 USD (Note: This is a suggested budget assuming you’re staying in a hostel, eating out a little, cooking most of your meals, and using local transportation. Using the budget tips below, you can always lower this number. However, if you stay in fancier accommodation or eat out more often, expect this to be higher!)

The Planning

The trek journey starts from Kathmandu leading to Soti Khola. It is a long drive as it takes 8 to 9 hours. From the other day, the trek starts, the trek from Soti Khola to Machha Khola. Another day Machha khola to Jagat and then Jagat to Deng. On another day we keep moving on to Deng to Namrung and each destination takes 6-7 hours to walk. After Namrung we head towards to Manaslu Base Camp visiting Samagaon. We return back to Samagaon through Birendra lake and then Samagaon to Dharmasala/Larkya BC. After Dharmasala we get back to Bhulbhule visiting many more places in between.

Do’s and don’ts

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