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GOKYO LAKE TREK - What to expect

Gokyo Lake is situated in the Sagarmatha zone, Solukhumbu districts. It is located in the Sagarmatha national park region. There are many lakes in this region. Among them, Thonak lake is the biggest one. Gokyo Cho lake is also known as Dudh Pokhari which is the main lake with an area of 106 acres. The Gokyo lake is a sacred lake for both Hindus and Buddhists. Hindus take holy bath during the great festival of Hindus Janai Purnima. Also, the site is worshipped as the residing place of ‘Nag Devta’, a temple of Hindus Avatar Lord Bishnu and Shiva.

Suggested daily budget – 50-60 EUR / 52-62 USD (Note: This is a suggested budget assuming you’re staying in a hostel, eating out a little, cooking most of your meals, and using local transportation. Using the budget tips below, you can always lower this number. However, if you stay in fancier accommodation or eat out more often, expect this to be higher!)

The Planning

Gokyo Lake is the most admired tourist trek destination leading towards Everest Base Camp. Gokyo village is the center in the area. This site is two days uphill trek from Namche Bazar. Namche Bazar is the gateway to reach mt. Everest. Gokyo lake is the less crowded famous trekking trail to EBC (Everest Base Camp). The trekking goes up through Dole village, Machhermo village from Namche Bazar. The trek is adventurous with amazing views of the rock and icy landscapes of Lhotse, Makalu, and mount Everest. Another attraction of this trek to Gokyo Lake is the Ngozumpa glacier. From Gokyo Lake, the trekkers with high altitude experience and good physical health continue their trek adventure of high altitude trips crossing high passes of Cho la and Renjo.

The best time to visit Gokyo Lake is Autumn and Spring Season, September to November, and March to May. The weather is sunny and warm with wonderful and clear mountain views. The temperature during the winter season makes it harsh to take a trek. But if you enjoy having alone time with nature and avoid crowds you can choose the winter season too.

Do’s and don’ts

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