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GHOREPANI POON HILL - What to expect

Ghorepani Poonhill trek is also known as one of the most popular and short trekking in the Annapurna Region. The best choice for you who don’t have much time for the long trek and don’t think you are physically Ready to hard and longer trekking in Nepal. Ghorepani Poonhill trek starts from Nayapul and ends at Nayapul which is one and a half-hour drive from Pokhara. The short amount of time you will pass through fertile farms of rice, millet, cornfields, peaceful villages, lush mountain valley, and beautiful waterfalls and rivers and also known as a Beautiful Annapurna Himalayas scenery. The main highlight of the Ghorepani Poon Hill trek would be the first one spectacular sunrise view over the Dhaulagiri and Annapurna Himalayas from Poonhill (3210m) viewpoint. Poonhill is a viewpoint (Hill station) just about one and half hour above the Ghorepani at altitude 3210m to enjoy magnificent panoramic views of many Himalayas and A Ghorepani popular and picturesque hilly area is located in Magdi District in Dhaulagiri zone of Northern- central Nepal at 2850m (9350ft) above the sea level is a busy trekking spot within Annapurna region and trail joined from three different ways within different treks in Annapurna region.

Suggested daily budget – 50-60 EUR / 52-62 USD (Note: This is a suggested budget assuming you’re staying in a hostel, eating out a little, cooking most of your meals, and using local transportation. Using the budget tips below, you can always lower this number. However, if you stay in fancier accommodation or eat out more often, expect this to be higher!)

TIps for first visit

DAY 1:- Drive to Nayapul from Pokhara – trek to Ulleri (1:30Hours drive and 4-5 hours walk)

Wake up early for the breakfast at Pokhara hotel. Guide and driver will come to pick you up in a hotel. We will reach the starting point of our journey at Nayapul (1050m) after one and a half hours drive.   We will Cross the first suspension bridge over the Modi Khola (river) after that we follow the Bhurundi Khola with Gradually uphill unseal dirt road to Hille after that we will find the real trekking trail short ascend to Tikhedunga and we cross 2 more suspension bridges over  Bhuraudi Khola. After that Climb up to all the way ulleri steep hill which can be very demanding for beginner hikers .we have the great view of Annapurna south 7219m and Himchuli 6441m at ulleri 1950m.

Day 2 Trek to Ghorepani (2850m) 4 to 5 hours walk

Today we start our trek from the beautiful village of Ulleri. After having breakfast the trek begins with stone stairs with an Astonishing view of the snowy peaks of Annapurna south 7219m and Himchuli 6441m then we ascend gently through the lush Alpine Rhododendron forest and scenic waterfalls before Arriving at our destination Ghorepani.

Day 3 Trek to Tadapani 2660m via Poonhill viewpoint 3210m (5 -6 hours walk)

Today, we have started an Early morning ascends to Poonhill viewpoint 3210m. just in time the breath-taking sunrise view along with majestic Himalayan Panorama from Poonhill of Mt.Dhaulagiri 8167m, Tukuche 6920m, Nilgiri 6940m, Annapurna 1, 8091m, Annapurna South 7219m, Fishtail 6997m,  Himachali 6441m, and much more Himalayas.

After enjoying the view we descend down to our lodge for Delicious breakfast and then follow a beautiful forest of Rhododendron trail to Deurali 2960m then the trail descends through scenic waterfalls and Rhododendron forest trail to Banthati 2660m after crossing the bridge Bhumrung Khola climb stone stairs steep hill. Less than an hour we reach another beautiful Tadapani village with a great Annapurna Himalayas view.

Day 4 Trek to Ghandruk 1960m 3–4 hours walk

After breakfast, we continue our trail down through the forest of Rhododendron, oak, and scenic waterfalls to the huge settlement of Gurung community Ghandruk village. After taking a rest worth visiting the Gurung museum, traditional houses, and Gurung culture programs.

Day 5 Trek to Nayapul 4-5 hours walk

We have reached our final day on the trekking trail, after having breakfast we observed the majestic mountain of Annapurna south and fishtail from the lodge we then continue our trek toward Nayapul .the trek passes through various village settlement and beautiful fertile farms of rice, millet, and cornfields. After 4-5 hours walk we reach Nayapul then finally we say goodbye to the trail and make a return drive to Pokhara.

Do’s and don’ts

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